Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 11 of Boot Camp

Guess what? You completed 2.5 miles today. You were awesome! I hope the way it was broken up made it an easier task for you. Each of you looked strong. Amanda was completely killing the run. She was giving Josh the blues, but he was keeping up. Lisa even took the lead and looked like she could have run for longer. Go LISA!!!

Now let's talk about our birthday girl...Miss "I am running faster." and she was. That's what happens when you gain cardiovascular endurance, mind control, and strength in yourself - you make it so that we (the trainers) have to create more challenging workouts for you. Thank you Ms. Renee for giving us a challenge & HAPPY 20...30.. I mean 40th...oooppps...BIRTHDAY!!!

I heard some unbelievable things today while running/walking around the trail. Statements like I am going to run the entire time - My calves are hurting but I am not stopping - I am fine! No complaining remember. You are all amazing. Two of the campers were running/walking even though their hips hurt like heck. You made me proud today. I look forward to the rest of this week because I know that there is more greatness in you and you can't wait to show me.

One thing I need to say is please listen to your body. The most important thing is that you are healthy. If you are in pain and that pain is not subsiding, you need to take a break. If that pain continues, you may need to see a physician. I want you to be fit and healthy and you can't do that without a strong body.

This week is going to be fun - I can tell. Keep smiling, giving your best, and showing up to workout. Remember, if you can't make it to boot camp find another workout.


  1. Thanks so much for your inspiration and guidance. Boot Camp has really changed my mind, body and spirit.

  2. We must also mention that Katrina jogged the entire loop without stopping or walking!! HooRah!

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