We began with our boot camp assessment on Monday. Everyone gave their best so that we have a starting point in order to show progress during boot camp. Keep in mind that the scale is not our only report of progress. Tuesday proved to be so much fun!!! We met in Laderman Park in Belleville, Illinois and completed our 1-mile timed run. This is another assessment that will allow us to see our physical fitness growth and progress. I had a few clients tell me they haven't run a continuous mile in years or since high school. There were other clients who really couldn't believe how great their time was. There were some smiles, some tears, and some hard breathing after the run and the workout. This picture shows us all smiles even after the completion of the timed run and the partner drills.
I will briefly mention the moans, groans, and tiny complaints that went along with the timed run, but I reiterate once more the celebrations and laughter upon giving clients their times. This run gives clients an opportunity to practice and improve their time before the next assessment (June 30). I am very proud of each client and I am excited about the work they are doing to meet their goals and show progress at the next assessment.
The week continued with the challenge of the new obstacle course. There were a few kinks in my vision - nothing new there, but in the end it was a success. Clients absolutely welcomed the challenge, had fun, and can't wait for more next week. Take a look at the videos and expect more next week. I'll continue to add to the course and make adjustments according to the needs and comments of Bangin' Body clients. Thank you to Ms. Denise and Melissa for laminating the week 1 obstacle course directions!!!
Be sure you pay close attention to the locations on the calendar at banginbodytraining.com, keep in touch with your group members this week, purchase your meal replacement shakes at banginbodytraining.bodybyvi.com, and open your journal account at myfitnesspal.com. I know everyone isn't a member of Facebook so feel free to use the Blog to communicate and comment.
Your Trainer,